
sudo apt-get install git nodejs npm

npm i web3@0.20.1^C

Solidity, Solc, EVM

Computation power, memory, storage


Public key and private key = digital signature

Gas, gas price

**--create an account 1 geth --datadir=data account new 2 give the password 3 what you get is the public key

-- in genesis.json 1.wirte a values in chainID : 77 (do not give number between 1-20) 2. geth --datadir=data --networkid=77 init genesis.json

--start networkid geth --datadir=data --networkid=77 --nodiscover console

-- get the details of the block in the network eth.getBlock('latest') 2 eth (type this to get all the functions) 3 web3 to look into more details

to check the accounts which is created 1 eth.accounts

( ) got to keystore json file and put in the file in keystore folder in your local system and give the password to see the private key

-- to run parallel consoles (open new cmd terminal) geth attach ipc:data/geth.ipc (to opens up a console) -- to check the ether value to that account 1. eth.accounts 2. eth.getBalance([0]) to check the balance 3. miner.start(1); (give the value (if value is not given system crashes))

INFO [11-05|11:03:51] Generating DAG in progress epoch=1 percentage=99 elapsed=3m31.469s

stop the miner as soon as the percentage is 99, so that mining will not consume the resources

  1. miner.stop() ; to stop the miner thing

browse for (dig in the variables) (to compile solidity code in browser) - go to the details section on the right side to check the gas used for the contract check what is ABI : application basic interface

--to unlock the account1. personal.unlockaccount(eth.accounts[0]) then give ur password it returns true...this says ur account is unlocked and anything can be added into ur json


Web3 framework using nodejs

Sudo apt-get install nodejs npm git

Npm i web3@0.20.1

open web3


open node js from a console

--- go to dir where web3 in installed, type nodejs, IT will open

up nodejs

var web3 = require('web3');

var Web3 = new web3(new web3.providers.HttpProvider("[[[[http://localhost:8545")](http://localhost:8545"))](http://localhost:8545")](http://localhost:8545")))](http://localhost:8545")](http://localhost:8545"))](http://localhost:8545")](http://localhost:8545"))))](http://localhost:8545"%29]%28http://localhost:8545"%29%29]%28http://localhost:8545"%29]%28http://localhost:8545"%29%29%29]%28http://localhost:8545"%29]%28http://localhost:8545"%29%29]%28http://localhost:8545"%29]%28http://localhost:8545"%29%29%29%29)\);


> Web3.eth.accounts

> Web3.eth.getBalance(Web3.eth.accounts[0])

{ [String: '1.1111821111111111111111111e+25'] s: 1, e: 25, c: [ 111118211111, 11111111111111 ] }

> Web3.eth.getBalance(Web3.eth.accounts[0])

{ [String: '1.1111821111111111111111111e+25'] s: 1, e: 25, c: [ 111118211111, 11111111111111 ] }

WEB3DEPLOY from details - deploying Remix IDE

  1. modify the initialSupply

  2. make the gas to gas: '470000

  3. take the code from 'WEB3DEPLOY and paste in the ethreum cosole

  4. this will create a contract

  5. the contract will have mehtods 1. To Pass the gas

    transer(eth.accounts[1],50, {from:eth.accounts[0], gas:'470000'})

Last updated