Known Use Cases
The Scalable Time Series Database runs on the top of HBase used for storing massive amount of time series data
Uses HBase to make the best recommendations, since it has to manage a lot of user signals. Every thumb-up, stumble, and share (among other feedback from users) is stored.
For managing crash reports etc.
Using HBase in several areas from social services to structured data and processing for internal use.
uses an HBase cluster containing over a billion anonymized clinical records, to enable subscribers to search and analyse patient populations, treatment protocols, and clinical outcomes.
uses HBase to power their Messages infrastructure.
stores all the world ’s Open Source packages, versions, and analytical purposes. files, and lines of code in HBase for both near-real-time access
is a search engine for travel that uses HBase to store terabytes of web pages and travel-related entity records.
Powerset (a Microsoft company)
uses HBase to store raw documents. - Shopping Engine at Tokenizer is a web crawler; it uses HBase to store URLs and Outlinks (more than a billion).
uses HBase to store and serve online influencer data in real—time. They use MapReduce to frequently re-score their entire data set as they keep updating inf luencer metrics on a daily basis.
runs HBase across its entire Hadoop cluster. HBase provides a distributed, read/write backup of all mysql tables in Twitter's production backend, allowing engineers to run MapReduce jobs over the data while maintaining the ability to apply periodic row updates
The WorldLingo Multilingual Archive use HBase to store millions of documents that they scan using Map/Reduce jobs to machine translate them into all or selected target languages from their set of available machine translation languages.
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